One of the most dangerous and under-reported crimes is domestic violence against men. It is often called the “silent crime” because men are too ashamed to report it.
We’ve all heard about domestic violence against women, but few people know men are also victims. Domestic Violence extends far beyond physical abuse. It as a “pattern of behaviour that involves violence or other abuse by one partner against another in a domestic setting, including but not limited to spouses, ex-spouses, boyfriends and girlfriends.”
Men are often overlooked as victims of domestic violence and are sometimes even stereotyped as abusers. Men make up 40% of all victims, which means that domestic violence is not gender specific. It doesn’t affect men less than women; it affects everyone equally. This article will find out what causes domestic abuse toward men and how these men can overcome the abuse and get back on their feet.
Why Is Domestic Violence Against Men a Huge Issue?
Domestic violence against men is one of the most significant social issues globally, but no one talks about it. That’s because the issue isn’t taken seriously, and there’s a huge stigma attached to it.
When you first think about the phrase domestic violence, it’s easy to imagine a man being abusive towards his wife or girlfriend, but men can also be victims of abuse.
We never imagine men huddled in a safe place because they’re scared of their partners, but the sad truth is that domestic violence towards men happens all too often.
The first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one, and we need to do more to help male victims of domestic violence.
Why Do Men Stay With Their Abusive Partners?
Most men stay in abusive relationships because they don’t understand that domestic violence is a crime. Many people are still unaware of the laws in place to protect them from abuse, especially men. This lack of awareness leaves them with no choice but to stay in the relationship.
Some women may use emotional manipulation to get men to do things they don’t want to do. They may also threaten their partner or their children. These actions can make it incredibly difficult for a man to leave his partner.
Signs Your Partner Is Abusing You as a Man
Being abused by a partner can be extremely hard to recognize since it’s not always physical. It’s important to realize that there is a difference between normal conflict and abuse. Yet, there are signs you should pay attention to if you want to know whether a partner is abusing you.
Signs of emotional abuse include insults, belittling comments, and threats. Your partner may also make you feel guilty or force you to do things that make you uncomfortable.
Physical abuse is perhaps the most obvious sign of an abusive relationship. If your partner hits, kicks or pushes you, she’s abusing you physically. She may even threaten to hurt your ego by belittling you in front of friends, kids, or family members.
What Are the Warning Signs of Abuse in Men by Their Partners?
Most women abuse their male partners. A woman will hit her man, call him names, and never admit it. She will say that he is the abuser and that she is the victim. This is a lie! It’s a fact that most women abuse their male partners.
Here are common signs that a man is experiencing abuse:
· He tries to hide marks on his body
· He consumes more alcohol or drugs than usual
· Changes his eating habits drastically
· Acts differently with you and with other people around him
· Seems to be depressed or anxious most of the time
· He is withdrawn and doesn’t want to spend much time with you or with other people
· Avoids talking about his feelings and his personal life
· Suddenly gets secretive about his phone calls, e-mails, text messages, etc., or he deletes all evidence of communication from your home computer or cell phone
How Can Men Protect Themselves From Abusive Partners?
For many men, the first step in protecting themselves from an abusive partner is to realize that their partners are not just having a bad day or week. Men need to realize that their partners’ behaviour may result from long-term abuse and should not be tolerated. This can be difficult because most people want to believe that their partners love them and would never hurt them intentionally.
• Get Yourself a Good Lawyer
A man abused by his partner needs to have an attorney on hand to advise him of his rights and obligations. A good lawyer will help you decide whether to file for divorce. He will also help you make the best decision about your next step in protecting yourself from abuse.
• Call the Police if Necessary
Sometimes calling the police is the only way to get out of a dangerous situation. If you feel like your life is in danger, call the police immediately. They will intervene and protect you from your abusive partner.
• Speak It Out With Friends or Family
It is okay to talk about your abuse. It is not a sign of weakness or that you are crazy. It shows that you care about yourself and want to get out of the situation. Talking to a friend or family member can help you find support and get through this difficult time.
• Tell Your Abuser That It Is Over
If you have tried everything else, tell your abuser that it is over between the two of you. Tell them what they need to do to stop the abuse. If no change is forthcoming, leave and start a fresh and peaceful life elsewhere.
• Go for Counselling
If you feel you need counselling, many places offer free or low-cost services. You can also talk to a counsellor on the phone if you prefer. Some counsellors specialize in domestic violence, and they can help you through this time.
It is not easy to get out of an abusive relationship, but it is possible. If you have children with your abuser, try to get them away from the situation as well. Many men stay in abusive relationships because they feel they have no other choice.
However, there are many options for escaping an abusive relationship, including leaving home and finding a safe place to stay with friends or family until you can find long-term housing.